Vision 2032 Survey Results

180 people shared their perspectives on nature, recreation, land use, and more in the Narragansett Bay region

In 2021, we released a public survey to gather input about the Narragansett Bay region from residents. 

Survey Reach

• 180 Respondents
• 10 Counties represented from Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut

About the Vision 2032 Survey

The Narragansett Bay Estuary Program created a 31-question survey to gather input from residents of the Narragansett Bay region about their perspectives on a wide variety of topics related to Narragansett Bay, the Coastal Ponds, Little Narragansett Bay, and their watersheds. (Click here for a full list of survey questions.)

We asked residents to reflect on the nature, waterways, and green spaces in and around their communities, and how those spaces interact with development, human health. What do they like? What would they change?

Survey Highlights

The Vision 2032 Survey posed 31 questions. We show responses to ten questions here to demonstrate the breadth of topics in the survey.



The survey responses represent perspectives from across the Narragansett Bay watershed, with the majority of responses coming from Rhode Island residents.



Most survey respondents rated the condition of waters and waterfronts in their communities to be “a little polluted” or “very unsafe.”



Survey respondents were generally satisfied with the options available in their towns for outdoor recreation, such as bike paths and parks.



A majority of survey respondents have experienced flooding in their communities.



Respondents generally do not feel that they have plentiful, convenient opportunities to share their perspectives about the outdoors with local leaders.



Respondents expressed neutral to negative attitudes about the impacts of residential development on their towns.






Our Analysis

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The survey is still open, please provide your thoughts!


Fill out the survey


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